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Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry

CEPID 2013-2024

Website: www.cemeai.icmc.usp.br
Principal investigator: José Alberto Cuminato
Education and knowledge diffusion coordinator: Lucio Tunes dos Santos
Technology transfer coordinator: Francisco Louzada Neto

University of São Paulo (USP)
Av. do Trabalhador São-Carlense, 400
Caixa Postal 668
13566-590 - São Carlos, SP - Brasil 
Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCAR)
State University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
São Paulo State University (UNESP)
Institute of Aeronautics and Space (IAE)

BV-FAPESP: research projects supported in this Center

CeMEAI in the Media: news about the Center

The Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry (CeMEAI) focuses on promoting the use of mathematical sciences. The goal is to do this within an interdisciplinary setting that emphasizes technology transfer, education, and knowledge dissemination for industry and government applications organized by a specially structured research center, whose nucleus is already in place at the University of São Paulo (USP).

The Center's main strategy is to build a solid infrastructure in terms of human resources, advanced computational equipment, collaboration opportunities, and other facilities in order to promote interdisciplinary cooperation with industry and, more specifically, with the manufacturing, government, and service sectors.

CeMEAI will encourage academic research groups to collaborate on effective applications and advance scientific knowledge. The core groups in the Center have demonstrated experience in producing high-quality academic work in their areas of expertise as well as in relevant applications. The groups, along with their collaborators, will continue to conduct normal scientific activities, but these will be enhanced by the opportunities for interaction the Center provides while at the same time emphasizing the critical role that mathematics plays across industries.